Hi, I'm Anthony 👋

Full Stack Developer,

Content Specialist

and Student

My professional background is in E-commerce, and have held roles from front facing client services to back-office inventory planning/fulfillment. As an avid believer in continuous learning, I have been lucky enough to have found a path to becoming a developer.

Check The Blog!



Simple Ruby Gem that scrapes and returns top 100 Cryptocurrencies, market cap, and current price from your CLI.



Rails based application that is built on Food Data Central API to search through food database, and sort by nutrient values. Users can save meals and leave comments



React/Redux based Single Page App that is built on USDA Food Data API. Prediction tool uses Mobilent to identify your meal from an image, and users can instantly search foods and sort by nutrient values.


About Me

Since 2019 I have served as a Content Specialist for AJ Madison where I have been part of a content team that utilizes a custom CMS to build/update product pages, and as part of a larger merchandising team that has generated revenue increase of 50%+ YOY. We coordinate with large appliance manufacturers to update a large online appliance catalog, provide up to date content assets, and build/update product pages in real time via a custom Content Management System. In a project management role, I oversee an overseas team to help perform periodic audits of existing product SKUs, and implement new experiences.

My technical experience in developing a Ruby on Rails application with PostgreSQL has taught me how to define data base models, set up relationships, apply RESTFUL conventions to CRUD routes and practice with APIs. The deployment phase of the application process taught me to optimize memory usage, and use search queries that limited the number of times requests were made. My experience developing a React/Redux single page application provided me the opportunity to learn about JavaScript's event delegation, React Routing, and combine this knowledge to utilize Ruby on Rails as an API.




Experienced with HTML5 semantics like Sections Outlines, Audio/Video Embedding, Web Forms, and more.


Strong familiarty with OOP, CRUD principles, and experienced with ES6 and Javascript APIs like events, history, in conjunction with Fetch API.


Strong background in Ruby Syntax, OOP principles and CRUD actions in MVC platform. Experienced with datatypes and troubleshooting with IRB


Experienced with React design patterns, JSX, DOM manipulation and event handlers. Strong familiarity with routing and connecting to Redux state management.


Experienced with actions-reducers, data-flow via props, state management via reducers/actions, and store


Experienced with Rails as an MVC, and as back-end API. Strong familiarity with ActiveRecord and associations, postgreSQL and more.